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In 2009-2011 Eco-TIRAS realized a project on Reconstruction and Management of the Yagorlyk Nature Reserve, supported by the European Union via UNDP Moldova. The project scope was to improve life conditions for indigenous rare plant species and their communities as well as to modernize the reserve management.


Eco-TIRAS has published a brochure dedicated to Nature Reserve “Yagorlyk”, situated in Dubasari Region of Transnistria. It is a unique reserve in the Dniester River Basin in Moldova, where aquatic habitats occupy significant part.


The seminar on Climate Changes in the region held in Bendery city museum on January 29, 2011. Participants from Moldova and Transdniester analysed the reasons, consequences and adaptation measures to be taken by governments and people.


Гид по участию общественности в принятии решений в Молдове

Eco-TIRAS опубликовал на молдавском и русском языках Гид по участию общественности в принятии решений. Он включает основные юридические документы, регулирующие участие общественности в принятии решений центральными и местными органами власти и управления.