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Eco-TIRAS - Arnika CZ Project

Adoptions of the Moldovan rivers: Supporting the communities on both banks of Dniester


Building trust between Moldovan riverbanks is a joint initiative of Arnika (Prague, Czech Republic) and Eco-TIRAS (Chisinau, Moldova). In our project, we focus on the basins of Baltata (Moldova) and Molokish (Transnistria) rivers and help local communities participate in decision-making processes affecting rivers, which are heavily polluted by industry and the discharge of sewage from settlements and seriously threatened by several projects to construct new dams that could worsen the course of floods.


The aim of our project is to strengthen trust among the Moldovan people on both sides of the Dniester River by improving access to information, supporting public’s efforts to protect the rivers from pollution, extensive use, and harmful construction projects and by involving local people in environmental decision-making. In our joint activities, we hold information meetings, workshops, happenings, round tables, tree-planting events etc. 


The project is funded by the Transition Promotion Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.



Some articles from Arnika site regarding this project

Over 400 new willows grow alongside the Dniester river thanks to volunteers

Fish from the Red list of endangered species sold at Chisinau markets

Summer ecological school for youth "Dniester 2020"

 Now to protect Dniester: international conference focuses on transboundary river basin management

 Dniester's alarm calling



Leaflet Тревога Днестра RU

How to understand the Water Framework Directive – brochure EN

Как понять Водную рамочную директиву ЕС?

– Брошюра на русском

Alarmă ape Nistru – leflet, RO - descărcaţi