The workshop on Hydropower impact on river ecosystems
The workshop on Hydropower impact on river ecosystems is organizing in Chisinau on June 28, 2019,
Анкета на участие в Молодежной летней школе Eco-TIRAS «Днестр 2019»
Международная ассоциация хранителей реки «Eco-TIRAS» (WWW.ECO-TIRAS.ORG) информирует о проведении традиционной Молодежной летней школы «Днестр -2019».
The International Conference “Hydropower Impact on River Ecosystem Functioning” will be organized in Tiraspol, Moldova, on October 8-9, 2019.
The International Conference “Hydropower Impact on River Ecosystem Functioning” will be organized in Tiraspol, Moldova, on October 8-9, 2019. The information leaflet is attached. The registration and proceedings submission deadline is August 31, 2019.